The Art of Living

So Freaking French

I’m not your typical French woman …

mainly because I wasn’t born French – I’m French by choice. 

I’ve spent years learning to “be more French”. What does that mean?

French women have a self-awareness that is neither obsessive nor neglected. There is an element of bringing elegance and “completeness” into everything they do, from dressing to entertaining. Beauty is as much a component of life as air and water. It represents a joie de vivre (joy of living) and a casual honesty and confidence about yourself. And it just makes life sweeter.

I hope you’ll come along with me as we become more French.




Bonjour! Je suis Kelley

Hi, I’m Kelley – thrower of parties, drinker of wine, and lover of all things French. I hope you enjoy my Lessons in Becoming French!

Lessons in the Art of Living


Surviving the Holidays Like a French Girl

Surviving the Holidays Like a French Girl

It’s the holiday season! Home-baked goodies! (sound of applause). Seasonal cocktails! (cheering). Parties! (the crowd goes wild). 5 – 10 extra pounds! (record scratch). Sorry to be a Debbie Downer, but a study from Cornell University showed that Americans gain on...

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Skin Deep Beauty

Skin Deep Beauty

If beauty is only skin deep, shouldn’t you take really good care of your skin?   You will never see a French woman in one of those drastic “before makeup/after makeup” slideshows. She accepts and is comfortable with her own face. She does not try to make herself...

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Paris in a Handbag

Paris in a Handbag

My daughter Regan James and her husband Lou Pine just returned from their Parisian honeymoon, and I'm delighted to have her guest-blogging today! A couple years ago, my boyfriend and I were about to go on a family trip in the south of France, and we were planning to...

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La Maison



I had always shunned eating anything that could be found crawling in my garden, until one day walking back from a visit to the Louvre, my husband and I stopped for a little lunch. I ordered French onion soup and he ordered escargot. I think I made him trade with me....

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